Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A release date, and a deadline

Nintendo made it official today, and announced that Skyward Sword will be released on November 22nd.  That gives Zach and I just over 3 months to finish the rest of our quest.

It's a good thing then that I started Zelda II a couple days ago, getting a bit of a head start before he gets home from camp.  I quickly remembered why I never beat this game as a kid (though I did finally beat it in college): It's freaking hard!  Enemies require a lot more skill and planning then the first Zelda.  However, there is also a lot more depth to the story and the land of Hyrule than the original.   If you can get past the difficulties of the play control, playing through this game is really a fulfilling experience.

I'll give more thoughts as we go.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The problem with old technology

So the summer is almost over.  Zach will be back from camp next week, and we are hoping to get moving with our goal to finish the rest of the Zelda games before Skyward Sword comes out later this year.  At this point we're a little...ok a lot behind where we wanted to be.

Sad news: As I indicated in my last post I decided to continue playing through the second quest of the original Zelda, and had just finished level 5 when I took a break for a summer class I had to take.  Unfortunately, when I loaded up the game over the past weekend to try to finish it up all our save data was gone.  I guess the battery in that old cartridge finally gave up the ghost.  Oh well, I'll try to finish up the second quest some other time.  I'm bummed I still haven't finished it, but we must be getting on with our quest.